Ko Huisong he 2,810 m te roa2 Center Analysis, whare neke atu i te 50 taputapu whakamatautau matatau, tae atu ki nga taputapu tino nui-nui penei i te ICP-MS, GC-MS-MS, LC-MS-MS, UPLC, GC-MS, HPLC (me nga momo kaitoro), GC ( me nga momo kaitirotiro), taputapu whakakore aunoa etc.
Ka taea hoki e te taiwhanga te kite neke atu i te 470 momo toenga pesticide, 45 momo paturopi (streptomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, nitrofuran, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides), metara taimaha (lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, copper, potassium, aluminum, me etahi atu), nga toenga whakarewa (methanol, ethanol, acetone, ethyl acetate, methylene chloride, chloroform, isopropanol, benzene, me etahi atu), neke atu i te 12 momo polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 18 momo kirihou, aflatoxins, matūkai (pūmua, ngako. , warowaihā, pūngao), tae horihori, whanariki hauhā, tautuhi (tautuhi matū, chromatography paparanga angiangi, spectroscopy infrared, tapumati), whakatau i te kukū ihirangi, microorganisms (huakita katoa, pokepokea, rewena, coli group, E. coli, salmonella, pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus) me etahi atu whakamatautau.
He mea nui te taiwhanga ki te kounga o nga mahi tirotiro me te whakarite i te punaha whakapumautanga o te kounga. Kua paahitia e matou te putanga hou o te GMP, KFDA, FDA, NSF, ISO22000, ISO9001, KOK-F, HALAL me te FSSC 22000 tiwhikete punaha kounga, a kua paahitia ano hoki nga arotakenga kounga o te maha o nga kamupene Fortune 500 o te ao.
Ka whakanuia e te taiwhanga nga whakawhitiwhiti korero hangarau me nga whakahaere o waho. Ka mahi tahi a Huisong me Zhejiang Institute of Drug Control, Hangzhou Institute of Drug Control, Eurofins, SGS, me Japan Food Analysis Center. He maha nga wa ka whakatauritehia nga hua whakamatautau me nga roopu tuatoru hei whakarite i te kounga o nga hua.